Time flies when you’re having fun!

It seemed like yesterday when – last October we rolled out the 2022/2023 itinerary of local and oversease treks. As I write this piece we are more than half way…

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21st March 2023

Evening Mass and Blessing of the Shells (thank you Tiziana for painting 80 shells!): DEDICATION 6:30pm Tuesday Kristu RxoxtResurrection of Jesus Pembroke Followed by an Q&A opportunity in the Pembroke…

Off with a Bang!

Headlines Camino Maltes/ Universal Peace Walk 1543AD: A Cambridge dictionary definition of “Off with a Bang!” explains an event as , “very exciting and successful.” This aptly describes the Camino…

March Mailshot

A New Face! XirCammini has a new face! A new logo has been rolled out and is already visible on the website. The new logo You will  shortly be seeing…

To Pack or not to Pack

With apologies to Shakespeare We often get asked, “What do we pack for the Camino?“ This very much depends on personal preference but a general word of warning is (save…

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February News

Welcome | Introduction As always, we’d like to start by bidding a warm welcome to all our new members. We continue to see significant increases not only in our social…

All systems go …

Dear Members, Welcome | Introduction We’d like to start by bidding a warm welcome to all our new members. We continue to see significant increases not only in our social…

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