We’ll soon be walking together again. Until then: stay safe.

Published Categorised as News, President's Pen

Safeguarding our Members | Thanking our Partners

Recently I was asked as XirCammini to share what we’ve been up to since we had to cancel or postpone our local and overseas trekking activities (www.xircammini.org). Our first priority was to reach out to overseas tour operators, travel, local transport, accommodation and/or service providers to recoup deposits / payments on behalf of almost 100 of our members for just under 10 activities that had to be postponed. Mission accomplished and for this I am grateful for the Camino and other trekking associations who support us and providers that we use.

Documenting our Overseas Trekking Experiences on You-tube

Secondly, we’re trying to document some of our overseas trekking experience to (a.) remind members of the lovely experiences that we shared and to (b.) give hikers something to look forward to when Covid is over. We will then do what we always do: no pathos, no drama .. just walking. This is a link to some of the videos. More will come if you wish to subscribe (it’s free) to the You-tube page. Thanks:


Universal Peace Walk: Developments

With the peak of the Pandamic behind us, we are looking at a date to walk the Universal Peace Walk 1543AD that would also have some historic significance to the date when it was originally planned to be walked. We have a couple of alternatives but we are waiting and weighing these against government directives as they unfold.

In the meantime, work also continued on more way-marks for the walk.

Conclusion: We’ll Soon be Walking Together Again

It is imperative that we continue to observe government directives regarding social distancing in order to protect each other.

With the easing of directives one may, for example, continue to undertake solo walks or with members of the same household as well as in small groups of 4 or less people.

If we have to synthesize directives and how one should continue to behave we can do so in one simple sentence: In whatever we do let us continue to be respectful and be kind to one another.

When the time comes we’ll do what we always do: We’ll walk together. Until then take care | stay safe.