Irish Celtic Caminos Groups 1 & 2

Published Categorised as Irish Caminos, Pilgrims' Perspectives and Route Information

#XirCammini walked the #Irish #Celtic #Caminos dubbed the (#PilgrimPaths) twice last year. We had 2 groups of #Pilgrims #hiking the 5 #trails that make up the Irish Caminos (61 pilgrims in total).

There is a video per group below

We would like to thank David and Elisabeth Ross (#, Marian Collins and her lovely family (#, John O’Dwyer (, the Visitor’s Chapel in Glendalough, Fionan and his team leading the Cosan na Naomh (#…), the Cork Society who assisted on the Cnoc na d’Tobar, Fr. Fahey, Teresa and the Team at Ballintubber Abbey (#, Maura, Breege, Maggie and Maryanne and their lovely families at Ballintubber (#, #, etc.), The guides on the various routes, the transport providers and the drivers and everyone who made this monumental task possible in 1 week.

Music Credit: |

1st Group’s experience:

2nd Group’s experience: