Peregrinatio Sancti Pauli Apostoli 60AD (25km walk)
January 25
€10Sancti Pauli 60 AD | P313 | Level: Mod | We park in Rabat and tranport takes us to the start of the walk near Selmun Castle |
Follow this link to register for the event.
Training for a Camino? Or re-uniting with Camino buddies from a previous walk? Why don’t you join us on the 1-day, 25km, Peregrinatio Sancti Pauli?
We meet alongside the Domus Romana, Rabat opposite the Rabat Cemetery and Paristyle ( for a 07:30 departure by coach. Please arrive earlier to park your cars so that we depart at 07:30 sharp.
Transport will take us to Selmun so that we commence our walk towards St. Paul’s islands and around Xemxija, St Paul’s Bay, Burmarrad / San Pawl Milqi continuing through to Mdina and Rabat.
Cost: Transport, Credencial and Testimonium Euros 10 | Credencial and Testimonium (excluding transport Euros 6).