Mamma Mia | Round Valletta Loop

Next to Mamma Mia, Ta' Xbiex , Malta

Mamma Mia | Round Valletta Loop | P320 | Level: Mod | Meeting Place: Next to Mamma Mia, Ta' Xbiex | Mamma Mia | Round Valletta Loop

Victoria Lines (Birguma | Madliena) Loop

Roundabout at top of it-Telgha t’Alla u Ommu, Naxxar/Birguma. , Malta

Victoria Lines (Birguma | Madliena) Loop | P322 | Level: Mod | Meeting Place: Roundabout at top of it-Telgha t’Alla u Ommu, Naxxar/Birguma. | Telgha t’Alla u Ommu, Naxxar/Birguma Victoria Lines towards Madliena looping back via Gharghur

Universal Peace Walk, Camino Ecumenico Part 1, Camino Maltes

Universal Peace Walk, Camino Ecumenico Part 1, Camino Maltes | P323 | Level: Mod/Hard | Zejtun from where we take transport to start of walk (Mdina) | Universal Peace Walk 1543AD (28km walk | Registration required) On 1st March 2025 we will be organising the Universal Peace Walk from Mdina to Zejtun based on the…


Mdina ditch | Mtarfa | Qolla l-Bajda Loop

Domus Romana, Rabat , Malta

Mdina ditch | Mtarfa | Qolla l-Bajda Loop | P324 | Level: Mod | Meeting Place: Domus Romana, Rabat | Mdina ditch | Mtarfa | Qolla l-Bajda Loop

Ahrax tal-Mellieha Loop

Ahrax tal-Mellieha Loop | P325 | Level: Mod | | Ahrax tal - Mellieha Loop

Siggiewi loop

Limestone Heritage on the Siggiewi By-Pass , Malta

Siggiewi loop | P326 | Level: Mod | Meeting Place: Limestone Heritage on the Siggiewi By-Pass | Siggiewi loop

Camino de Santiago de Gran Canaria FULLY BOOKED

Gran Canaria , Spain

he Camino of Gran Canaria covers 65km from Faro de Maspalomas to Galdar, crossing the island of Gran Canaria from south to north. It is rated as moderate to hard, with some challenging inclines in the interior of this volcanic island. The highest point is in the areas of Garanon and Cruz de Tejeda, descending to Galdar, where it stops.

Paradise Bay | Fomm Qammiegh Loop

Paradise Bay Carpark , Malta

Paradise Bay | Fomm Qammiegh Loop | P327 | Level: Mod | Meeting Place: Paradise Bay Carpark | Paradise Bay | Fomm Qammiegh Loop