Cammino di San Giacomo in Sicilia

Sicily , Italy

Cammino di San Giacomo in Sicilia | Level: Mod |  P292             Because of the overwhelming response to the Cammino di San Giacomo in Sicilia in February 2024, we are running this event again in October 2024. The Cammino di San Giacomo in Sicilia is the 2nd segment of the Camino Maltés…


Siggiewi | Tal Providenza | Gebel Ciantar Loop

Siggiewi Parish Church , Malta

Siggiewi / Tal Providenza Chapel / across valley towards Salib tal Gholja / across the ridge to Gebel Ciantar and the Bronze Age Grain Silos / down to Fawwara / back to Siggiewi | Level: Mod | Meeting Place: Siggiewi Parish Church | P293

Casa Ipollito Walk, Birzebbugia

St George’s Bay, Birzebbugia (small parking place where boats are kept on land) , Malta

Birzebbugia /  Dar ta’ Pultu trail / Ta’ Kaccatura water reserovoir/ on towards football ground in Ghaxaq /Triq Telleritu / and back to starting point. | Level: Easy | Meeting Place: St George’s Bay, Birzebbugia (small parking place where boats are kept on land) | P294

Bahrija | Bingemma Loop

Bahrija swings , Malta

Bahrija / Bingemma/ Dwejra / Wied il-Qleghja /Bahrija | Level: Mod | Meeting Place: Bahrija swings | P295

Cammino di San Antioco, Sardegna | Malta Geographical Society

San Antioco | Sardegna , Italy

XirCammini is a membership-based, not-for-profits, non-denominational and non-sectarian association open to all who support its aims, primarily focused on generating interest in heritage, faith, cultural and/or green tourism. We are registered with the Office of the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations. More information about XirCammini is available on our website: XirCammini is neither a travel…


Qrendi | Hagar Qim Loop

Maqluba church , Malta

Qrendi /Hagar Qim / towards Triq il-Wied / return to Qrendi. | Level: Mod. | Meeting Place: Maqluba church | P296