Regrettably we will be stopping the Wed Walks until further notice to respect the spirit of the law in the ensuing Covid-19 situation.
This is clearly articulated by the Superintendence of Health in bold, red script their latest regulations.
We shall re-assess the situation towards the end of September with a view to re-initiating the Wed Walks from Wed October 7th, 2020.
It is a decision reached with a heavy heart especially since, from the June re-opening, each Wed Walk attracted between 50 – 100 walkers. Recognizing the physical, psychological and social benefits of exercising outdoors, we strongly urge people to continue to walk solo or in very small groups (the current regulatory definition of a cluster is 10) and to observe health regulations in doing so. If we can be of assistance with hiking ideas please reach out to us via our FB platform.
In conclusion, the ones most in need of such walks are the ones who are most likely to retreat quietly until publicly available again.
Can I please ask all others to ‘step up to the plate’, take the initiative, call and continue to interact with people to whom these walks offered sanity or a well-being opportunity. We’re all pilgrims on the same journey in life even when calamity prevents us from walking.