Oakwood Hotel Dinner 14th Aug

Published Categorised as Uncategorised

Dear All,

Since we are arriving rather late at the hotel on the 14th August, can I please ask you to fill in the menu choices below and submit so that we can have dinner more efficiently organised? This will be less of an issue at the other places . We can choose on the spot in all other places. But, for the 14th it would make everyone’s lives easier if we provide the hotel with our choices beforehand. Vegans an vegetarians I will have to come back to you closer to the date. But this form caters for everyone else. If vegan or vegetarian please still fill in the first part. Thanks:

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Dietary Requirements
Those who opt for vegan or vegetarian, please do not complete the choices below. You will have a la carte options. All others please choose a starter and main from below. Thanks.
AGF means available in Gluten Free. Menu descriptions posted on the Tochar Phadraig WhatsApp chat.
Main Course
AGF means available in Gluen Free. Menu Descriptions posted on the Tochar Phadraig WhatsApp chat.