Universal Peace Walk, Camino Ecumenico Part 1, Camino Maltes
March 1
Universal Peace Walk, Camino Ecumenico Part 1, Camino Maltes | P323 | Level: Mod/Hard | Zejtun from where we take transport to start of walk (Mdina) | Universal Peace Walk 1543AD (28km walk | Registration required)
On 1st March 2025 we will be organising the Universal Peace Walk from Mdina to Zejtun based on the edict of Bishop Cubelles in 1543AD.
The route follows the old mediaval towns and villages of Mdina, Rabat, Zebbug, Siggiewi and San Niklaw, Hal Manin (Qrendi), Zurrieq (including Hal Far and Wied Hlantun), Bir Miftuh (Gudja), Ghaxaq (then part of Zejtun) and Zejtun.
Cost including transport, guidebook (with incorporated Universal Peace Walk Credencial), Camino Maltes Credencial and testimonium is Euros 15 per person.
Cost exluding transport but including guidebook (with incorporated Credencial), Camino Maltes Credencial and testimonium is Euros 10 per person.
You can register by following this link. Payment is non-refundable.
The Walk
The app for the walk can be uploaded from Google store free of charge: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=xircammini.upw
We offer 1-way transport for those who require it. we park close to the church of St Gregory. Zejtun (https://maps.app.goo.gl/gVs1JAAnjwCDcyvR8) for a 07:00 a.m. departure by coach for Mdina. The walk then commences from the Cathedral Square, Mdina and ends in Zejtun.
Please follow this link to register. Payment is non-refundable.