
Poland: Jasna Góra Monastery in Częstochowa and the monastery founded in 1382 which attracts millions of pilgrims annually. Wambierzyce, Silesian Jerusalem, a pilgrimage destination since the 16th century. 


Norway: Olavsweg (St. Olaf Camino), Nidaros. A pilgrimage from Oslo to Nidaros, the site where in St. Olaf evangelized Vikings. https://pilegrimsleden.no/de/


Netherlands: Chapel of the Heilige Stede, Amserdam. A pilgrimage to the site of a 1347 miracle. When the chapel became Protestant in the 16th century the pilgrimage was forbidden but…


Malta: Pilgrimage of Saint Gregory the Great. An annual pilgrimage was initiated by Bishop Cubelles in 1543 to pray for the intentions of Pope Paul III who was endeavouring to…


Lithuania: Samogitian Calvary, Plungė district municipality, Lithuania. A town with a Catholic tradition dating back to the 12th century where a pilgrimage developed later in the 18th century because of…


Italy: The Way of the Abbot (St. Colomban), from Pavia to Pontremoli through Lombardy, Emilia Romagna and Tuscany. A walk dating back to 6th century AD. https://www.viadegliabati.com/the-abbots-way-english-version/ The Way of…


Ireland: Croagh Padriag, County Mayo a 1st millennium pilgrimage route from Ballintubber Abbey to Croagh Padraig following the footsteps of St. Patrick as a missionary among the Celtic tribes.. https://www.ballintubberabbey.ie/…


Hungary: Weeping Madonna Hodgetria in St. Michael the Archangel (Byzantine rite) Basilica, Máriapócs, a pilgrimage site since the 17th century.  http://mariancalendar.org/sanctuary-of-mariapocs/   


Germany: The Basilica of the Vierzehnheiligen (fourteen holy helpers and the altar of mercy) at 18th century basilica on the site of the 15th century chapel and pilgrimage site. https://www.bavaria.by/experiences/city-country-culture/churches-monasteries/the-basilica-of-the-fourteen-holy-helpers-vierzehnheilige/…


 France: The Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Chartres is a UNESCO-Heritage site of this ancient once bishopric state in France. http://www.cathedrale-chartres.org/en/,143.html The Abbey Church of St. Foy, dedicated to a 4th century…