Photo Competition

Published Categorised as News

Have you walked or are you walking the Camino de Santiago (any route) during the Jubilee Years 2021 or 2022?

XirCammini is running a photo competition to collect photos from pilgrims walking the Camino de Santiago during the Jubilee Years 2021 or 2022 for a XirCammini Calendar 2023.

In addition to the pleasure of having a photo featured in a 2023 Calendar a Euros 50 voucher will be gifted to each winning entry selected for the Calendar.

The closing date of submissions is November 20th, 2022:

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please add international prefix preceded by +
Number of photos
Please add a description (or location) of each photo
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.
Please upload a maximum of 2 photos (10 Euros) or 5 photos (20 Euros) from your Camino Experience. The closing date is the last Sunday of the Iiturgical year 2022 (i.e. 20th November 2022).

Please note that payments will only be accepted via electronic transfer to the XirCammini bank account. We are not accepting cheque or cash payments. When settling, please also add your name and write Photo Competition in the payment reference field.

Many are familiar with mobile and Revolut payments. These are still possible modes of payment to our bank account. For example, with Revolut one just has to follow these simple instructions: For Revolut users: tap ‘Payments’ → ‘Transfers’ → ‘Send’ → ‘+ New’ → ‘Add a bank recipient’. You’ll be asked to add the bank transfer details. In this case these are name: XirCammini Bank: APS Bank, Address: you can input just Malta if requested. The important thing to input is the IBAN number: MT43APSB77013000000042921110018