IMPORTANT NOTICE: The walk of Saturday 6th May will be changed from Hagar Qim | Providenza Loop to the Western Segment of the Camino Maltés | Universal Peace Walk 1543AD from Rabat to Zurrieq. We will start at 14:00 from Rabat at 14:00 and endeavour to end with mass in the Church of Our Lady of Pilar and St. James, Zurrieq at 19:00 subject to necessary permissions. On that day we will be accompanied by an Aleteia film / documentary crew who during that week will be documenting faith tourism in Malta and showcasing the Camino Maltes. Aleteia is an online Catholic news and information website founded in 2011/2012 by Jesús Colina via the Foundation for Evangelization through the Media. It has the approval of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications and the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization.
If you are interested in joining us on ths 18km walk on Saturday please complete this form below by not later than Saturday 29th April 2023. Please settle the Euros 5 (without transport) or the Euros 10 (with transport) fee following the instructions below. Thank you: