We have received the following message from the Association of the Friends of the Way which we are happy to share with you:
Dear friends of the Jacobean associations, foundations and brotherhood and of the Galician communities abroad:
As you well know, we are preparing as best as possible the arrival of the pilgrims to Santiago, in this Compostela Holy Year 2021 that Pope Francis has extended to 2022.
One of our priorities is to preserve the safety of the pilgrim, both along the Camino -of all the Jacobean routes in Galicia-, and in the city of Santiago. Health security and personal safety measures that are taken along theWay of the St. James and in the public shelters along the route in Galicia. In the same way, we are also focused on rescheduling cultural and festive activities, from the curatorship of Xacobeo 21-22, which complement the spiritual sense of the Compostelanean Jubilee.
To disseminate these concepts, we have designed for next Saturday March 20, starting at 12 noon (Spanish time), a round table in a “webinar” format, in which the main specialists in reception, hospitality and security will participate, for which we request your active participation online. After the interventions of the speakers there will be a question time in which you can comment and ask any questions that may arise.
In a few days you will receive the registration link.
I bid you farewell and wait to see you in this “webinar”; wishing you health and serenity!
Ildefonso de la Campa Montenegro
Director of Administration and Relations with the Associations of Friends of the Camino de Santiago
S.A. Xestión do Plan Xacobeo. Xunta de Galicia