Universal Peace Walk 1543 AD®

I’m glad and humbled to report that our project “Universal Peace Walk 1543 AD ® ” was the subject of an interesting piece penned by Ms Claudia Scavuzzo. https://timesofmalta.com/articles/view/a-500-year-old-pilgrim-route-could-be-maltas-version-of-the-camino-de.739732 Despite…

United Kingdom

United Kingdom: Like Ireland, the United Kingdom has several pilgrimage sites tied to ancient Christianity or Celtic Christianity, predating the arrival of St. Augustine and the founding of Canterbury Cathedral.…


Switzerland: St. Meinrad, Einsiedeln is linked to the ancient hermitage of St. Meinrad; now a Benedictine monastery. Einsiedeln is on the Via Jacobi, the route of St. James passing through…


Slovakia: Marianska hora, Levoca was a 13th century chapel to which visitations of the blessed Virgin are attributed. Today there is a basilica on the site of visitations.  http://slovakia.travel/en/the-pilgrimage-on-the-marianska-hora-in-levoca-july Slovakia…